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Ski Lyft

SkiLyft is a IOS concept app that offers a method for users to create true peer-to-peer carpool trips to Loveland Ski Area. Our task was to create an app where users can create and schedule future rides with peers who are already traveling to Loveland Ski Area, thus minimizing traffic congestion.
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Solution Statement
SkiLyft provides a safe
and convenient way for
riders to carpool to
Loveland Ski Area.

Problem Statement
Lyft riders do not
currently have a way to
create true peer-to-peer
carpools trips.

InVision Prototypes

Case Study Sections

Overview                               SkiLyft project description, my roles, and the software used.

Feature Analysis               See the criteria and needs that were analyzed to create our unique

                                                  features, including rider matching and detailed rider profiles.

Competitive Analysis     Research into local companies that provide transportation to Colorado

                                                  ski areas.

User Interviews                 Surveys & interviews used to discern user needs, pain points and goals.

Affinity Mapping                Data synthesis to determine trends and user needs from research.

Wireframes                          Low fidelity wireframes to identify best feature placement and screen


Brand Research                 With such a recognizable brand, the Lyft style guide was an important

                                                   resource to pull from to replicate in our prototype screens.

Project Management      Orgainizational and management techniques used.

Next Steps                           An outline of A/B and user testing.




  • InVision

  • Sketch

  • Miro

  • Toggl

Project Overview

SkiLyft took place over a two week design sprint, with the collaboration of four designers.  

We researched user needs and based our designs on the hypothesis that there is a gap in the market for peer-to-peer rideshare matching. We created an InVision prototype to illustrate a beta-test case study.

My Role

  • Lyft Brand Research
  • Lyft Design Principles
  • User Interviews 
  • Affinity mapping
  • Feature Analysis
  • Wireframing
  • Presentation
  • Loading prototype
  • Project management

Feature Analysis

Features Analysis

We had some new features that we wanted to integrate into the app that were not included in the original Lyft app. I identified the need for expanded user profiles, a way to integrate and still differentiate between Lyft and SkiLyft, 
BumbleBff                                                to differentiate between Lyft/SkiLyft
Hinge profiles                                         rider profiles
***feature ideation with side by side of the original and new features
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Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

We studied similar companies to analyze successful features. These companies include:

  • Uber
  • Lyft
  • Waze
  • Google Maps
  • Via

  • Amtrak to Winter Park
  • Ride Eldora
  • Epic Mountain Express
  • Bustang
  • Safr
Interviews & Suveys

User Interviews & Synthesis

My synthesis from the user interviews we conducted include:
  • Safety
  • Budget
  • Convenience
  • Destination locations
At this point, we decided it would make the most sense to narrow the prototype to a beta test that focuses on one destination. We created a poll and the areas people saw as lacking in the existing market were for commuting, road trips, sporting/music events, and ski trips. 
We considered these and noted that having a specific destination would create more clarity and make the beta test results easy to expand upon. 
Affinity Mapping

Affinity Mapping

We used affinity mapping to find trends in the responses from our surveys:
  • Convenience
  • Costs
  • Routes


I took our group discussions and sketches and turned them into Sketch wireframes.
Search Results 4.png
Search Results 2.png
Trip Details 2.png
Congrats Trip Details.png

Lyft Brand Research

Lyft is a well-known brand, so we started our research on the existing brand early because we wanted to seamlessly integrated SkiLyft into Lyft's recognizable branding guidelines.
The Lyft voice is:
“Informative but not pedantic. Convincing but not corny.
Authentic but not sloppy. Smart but not stuffy.”
Lyft Branding Colors
The Lyft brand is bold, and the colors used for the app itself are no exception.
Lyft utilizes a ratio of approximately 90% white, 7% black, and 3% pink with purple as a call to action color.
Lyft's Primary Branding Colors                                                                   Call to Action Color                                                      
              #FFFFFF                                 #FF00BF                                  #11111F                                                                               #972FFF
Promotional Branding Colors
These colors are used for promotional purposes such as television ads, digital ads and emails campaigns.

Lyft Pro Font

The Lyft Pro font is playful as well as legible, consistent with the overall brand:
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Project Management

Project Management
My role related to project management included:
  • Tracking project tasks (Toggl)
  • Synthesizing group discussions
  • Creating daily next steps & research outlines
Next Steps

Next Steps

This project is a beta test with a single destination.
We would continue to expand this project by:
  • Continue with user testing of the product
  • Testing more destination locations
  • A/B testing of messaging features
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