Cheese + Provisions
responsive e-commerce site redesign (desktop/mobile)

Project Overview
Role Designer & Researcher
Project Timeline Two Weeks (Agile Design Method used)
Tools & Methodologies Sketch, InVision, Zeplin, Google Forms
Interviews, Surveys, Inventories, Card Sorting, Competitive Analysis, UI Refinement
E-commerce website redesign of local Denver cheese shop, to improve the information architecture of the site and to elevate the design of the site to match the beautiful aesthetic of the store itself. A catalog of the products within the store was used to create clear categories and an e-commerce page within the site.
Cheese + Provisions had been acquired by "So Damn Gouda" catering service and they were having trouble incorporating the cheese shop and catering business into one cohesive brand. The main aim of this project was to marry the two brands and create a place for the catering business to thrive without taking over the identity of the space create clear delineations between the multiple functions of the business.
Site Updates
clear menu & information architecture
interior photography of the stylish store
slogan above the fold conveys cohesive branding
choice of main company logo
three main categories with corresponding sub-categories
nesting of catering services within the Cheese & Provisions brand creates cohesion
inclusion of new features users want provided
clear events section (which could also house cheese articles & educational material from original site)
concise & interactive location and business information
updated footer matches UI of new site

Mobile Version
Creating a mobile-friendly version of the new site

mobile-friendly menu
drop-down menu
visible product images
quick product description goes here
mobile footer

mobile-friendly menu
product detail page
more detailed
product description
quick-add button
interactive pairing suggestions
interactive similar product suggestions
mobile footer
Analysis of Original Site
A look at the lack of clarity of the original information architecture, lack of functionality, and need for updated brand cohesion

menu does not include an e-commerce function
logo included but does not convey store's character
articles are informative but do not relate directly to the shop
section is useful but could guide users more directly toward actionable steps
UI & layout of footer could be improved upon
Surveys, interviews, analytics
-Interview with employees of Cheese & Provisions to understand company structure with So Damn Gouda catering
-Surveys to determine how shoppers interact with specialty food stores (in-person and on websites)
-Analytics determined that IA was unclear, with users jumping from home to pages back home etc.
Cataloged all the items in the store based on current inventory, as well as:
-Created a card sorting survey
-Organized current items into broader but workable categories
-Clarified the IA of the e-commerce section of the site

Information Architecture
IA of the main menu of the site, especially the addition of a "shop" section that incorporated an e-commerce element
-used card sorting to create new categores
-created main categories (cheese, provisions, merchandise) and sub-categories (i.e. bleu cheese, soft cheeses, hard cheeses, etc.)
Desktop -> Mobile ->

Style guide for site colors, fonts, images, etc.

Competitive Analysis
Magpie Softserve, Alfred Coffee, Sacred Thistle, Ipsy, Blue Apron, Amazon, Bespoke Post

clear menu
hero image shows store's style
clean layout & design

reflects current activity & user engagement
straightforward footer with personality

easy to spot calls-to-action buttons
implies store culture & interaction
spaced call-to-action
reflects shop's aesthetic/interior decor
spaced call-to-action
clear & useful footer